It Is Hard Being The Strong One
The LORD has been teaching me a very hard lesson this week that has opened my eyes to a whole other side to me, and I don't like it. I've had my moments of anger and frustration. I've had my moments of tears. I've asked, "why me?" a million times with no answer. I have been put in a situation that I don't want to be in. I have prayed for several weeks wondering, "what am I suppose to do?" Do you have people in your life that seem to be feeding off of the strength that is in you? There are times when my phone notifies me of a text message, that I don't want to look at the screen. I'm thinking, "what now?" Why should someone else's problems all of a sudden be my problem. It's an inconvenience for me. No body is there for me when I need someone to talk to, or help me with an circumstance that I am facing, so why should I help them? It puts nothing but stress in my life. I'm just done, completely. STOP! Let me show you something here that God has opened my eyes too.
All of these thoughts and feeling above
are 100% true and exactly how I have felt for a while, but have you noticed a
problem? You got it, it's my attitude. I did not realize how self centered I
am, to an extent, when it comes to helping others. Just simply being around as
a friend. This has been a rude awakening for me. Now every time I complain all
I hear is nonsense. I have no argument any more because God stripped me of my
excuses with a simple verse in the book of Proverbs. In Proverbs chapter 3
verses 27-30 God answered my question,
"what am I suppose to do?" I'm not going to lie, I didn't want to
hear what God had to say about the matter. I was mainly looking for justification for my complaining but there
was none. I hit dead end after dead end. However, despite my ridiculous efforts
to justify myself it did not hinder God from answering my prayer. I am just
thankful he opened my eyes and helped me pay attention. When I pray I tend to
forget what I prayed for, and, therefore miss it God answering me. Then I want
to complain about how God is silent when He may not be, I just haven't paid
attention. Regardless, I prayed and God heard. It's hard being viewed as strong
by other people, because then they gravitate toward you and seem to hang on to
you for dear life. You have something that they don't have yet want. To you and
I it feels like our energy is being drained. We feel as if their problems
become our life problems, causing us to react negatively toward the person/
situation. Yes, it's hard being the strong one but (as I have recently been
aware of) it's even more difficult making peace with it. So I'll ask the
question again, do you have people in your life that seem to be feeding off of
the strength that is in you? Now let's reexamine this through the eyes of God's
Word rather than our own. That statement is key, let's never not look at things
with our own understanding. Remember that verse also in Proverbs chapter 3
verse 5 "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine
own understanding." I was leaning on my own understanding, not letting God
take control over the situation.
I would like to take this slow and look at
each verse one by one. Let's start with verse 27 of Proverbs chapter 3, "
Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine
hand to do it." There are a lot of times when we make excuses to get out
of doing something for someone. I know why I make excuses. As in the list of
complaints in the beginning I felt like it was an inconvenience for me. I
didn't want to do it. The way my understanding sees it, if you can't help
yourself, why should I? Why am I the lucky one? God reminded me that if I am
going to profess to be a Christian, which means being like Christ Himself, then
I need to have a major attitude adjustment. It doesn’t matter how I see it,
what does God say about it? God says that if I am able to help someone to not
hold back from doing so. What if my neighbor asked me to watch his dog while he
was out of town and I said no. The reason? I don't feel like it. It wouldn't be
hard to feed and play with his dog, and water his plants when he lives right
across the street. It's not like he is asking me to take a bullet. It's a
simple task for a very caring and sweet man. However, I am too focused on how I
would actually have to do something. Poor me! I don't like it but that’s the
truth, with most of us. God says to never hold back when you are more than able
to do good for someone. Keep this in mind as we continue on to verse 28, "
Say not unto thy neighbor, Go and come again, and tomorrow I will give; when
thou hast it by thee." What if I have had one of those days where
everything is irritating me, I'm overwhelmed with all the things I have to do
around the house or in life in general, and someone asks me to drive them to
the grocery store. I say, "Not today I'll take you tomorrow," because
I don't feel like dealing with it at all. I have a car. Therefore, I am able to
drive this person to the grocery store. It's not like they are asking me for
money, just a simple ride. God says never to turn someone away when you are
able to help them right then. Ok, verse 29 says, "devise not evil against
thy neighbor, seeing he dwelleth securely by thee." This verse gripped my
heart the most. I never thought about someone feeling safe to be around me. It
makes sense and explains why some people who are a little more unstable tend to
cling on to the stronger person who seems to have their life together. They
pray. Their strong in faith. They don't seem to be falling apart. So it is
attractive to someone in need. What if I was so tired of being the strong
person in a relationship (any relationship) and I became bitter. That
bitterness grows and then I start wishing something would happen (nothing
harmful) to cause this person to go far away from me. All so that I don't ever
have to deal with their problems ever again. That kind of attitude goes against
the Word of God. God says do not think any wrong towards someone when they feel
safe around you. We forget that we are surrounded by broken people who need
love and encouragement just as much as we do. We are not better than anyone.
The Bible says for a man to not "think of himself more highly than he
ought to think; but to think soberly…" (Romans 12:3) We are to stay humble
before God and man. We are nothing without God. It's only by His grace that we
are strong, and alive. Finally, verse 30 says, "Strive not with a man
without cause, if he have done thee no harm." What if I allowed anger and
bitterness consume me. I would begin to argue with the person that needed me to
be a friend. Then I would start treating this person with disrespect, not
caring any more how they feel. What would that do to them?
We never truly know what someone goes
through. There are many deep scars that are hidden in someone's heart and we
would never see the pain they face. We never consider the things that are most
important. We are selfish people. We are always thinking (myself included),
"what is in it for me?" We
have to remember that you and I are Christians. It makes no difference how we
feel (It's Not Based On Emotions) it's based on the Word of God. The Bible is
our foundation. If we have a problem, take it to God. If we are feeling drained
of energy/strength, take it to God. If we are so angry that we burst into
tears, take it to God. For we have this confidence in Christ Jesus "that
if we ask anything according to His will, He heareth us. And if we know that He
hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired
of Him." (1 John 5:14-15) The Bible also says that the Father knows what we
have need of before we even ask Him in Matthew chapter 6 verse 8. So I ask
where is our confidence if we act so selfishly? Will not God, our heavenly
Father, give us the strength that we need to handle the task that has been
given? Does not the Word say He is "able to do exceeding abundantly above
all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us?" We
all know that the only power we have in us is the Holy Spirit of God. We are
better than this. We have the Word and we have God Himself dwelling in us. Our
life is no longer ours, but the LORD's. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15 verse 31
that "I die daily" and rightly so. We die daily. We die to ourselves
and raise with Christ. I read in a book one time called "The Wigglesworth
Standard" that author said this:
"All of self, none of God
Less of self, more of God
None of self, all of God"
This should remind
us that we need to die to ourselves and let God have full control. When God has
control over our lives completely He will only do what the Word says do. He
will never go against His Word. So by the grace and mercy of God we should make
peace with the fact that we are the strong ones for those who have nothing. We
were once people who had nothing, but God came and dusted us off, polished us
up, and now we are made to shine. We have to accept that we cannot make peace
with this on our own. If we try to trust our own efforts we will fail every
time and then make the situation worse than it was in the beginning. We have to
humble ourselves and ask God for His strength (because we have none), ask for
His wisdom, and ask for His peace. God stays with His Word so if our hearts are
sincere, He will answer in His time. All we have to do is focus on how blessed
we are and live each day according to the Word of God. I know it's hard. This
is a challenge for me as well, but it is possible with God and in the end worth
it. If you feel as if you are being used, or mistreated in some way when all
you are trying to do is help then pray for them. Remember this verse, "But
I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them
that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute
you" (Matthew 5:44). All of this seems hopeless and impossible, but all
things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26). Just pray and let God do the
impossible. It's not our work but His. We just need to commit the situation,
the people, and ourselves into God's hands and then leave it there. Like I said
it has been a hard lesson that I still am learning, but God encouraged me
through Scripture. He reminded me of the things that I so easily forget. He
knows exactly what He is doing. I had a thought earlier today, I thought if God
allowed this responsibility of being there for someone pass from me, how great
it would be. To finally be done with it. Then I had another thought, if the
responsibility passed from me would that mean I am out of the perfect will of
God? Yes it would. God makes no mistakes and everything happens for a reason,
great and small. There is a reason you and I were chosen for this task, it's
best to see it through for His glory. I would not be happy if I was out of the
perfect will of God, all because I wanted to have a more comfortable life. I
can't do it. I need to stay in His will. I need to be about my Father's
business. I always look for the easy way out, but I only become miserable in
the end. Yes, it's hard being the strong one. We may seem strong but we feel
like we are hanging by a thread ourselves, but hallelujah we have a mighty God
who is willing to bear the weight of our burdens. We have a mighty King who is
willing to protect us at all times and fight our battles. We have a mighty
Father who will provide for all of the things we lack the most. We have a
mighty Shepherd who is willing to carry us (sheep) on His shoulders, the
strongest part of the human body, when we are weak. There is a reason and there
is a purpose for all things. We can do all things through Christ. It will be
alright. Yes, we will be tested and tried but it's not like we haven't been
through it before. Let this time be different. Let's pray for an attitude
change, for more love and compassion to be a friend to those that can't seem to
help themselves. Let us not blame them for our reactions, let us make our
Father proud and obey the Word of God. We will see results in due time. We will
come out of this stronger and better. We should not be overwhelmed because God will take care of everything. It will not last forever. He is the Prince of Peace, He knows what He is doing. We were made for this."Have not I commanded thee? Be
strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the
LORD thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest" (Joshua 1:9). God Bless
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