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You Have Value
This is going to be
a long subject to discuss so I hope you have some time to take a seat and
reflect with me. Do we realize that we have value? If we are told otherwise
it's a lie! Jesus says in Matthew 10: 31 "Fear ye not therefore, ye are of
more value than many sparrows." In order for this to mean more I should
probably share to you some struggles I have faced in life. As well as many
people all over the world I was bullied from the very first day of kindergarten
all the way to 7th grade. I probably was talked about and made fun of all the
way to senior year but at least I did not know about it. I was rejected from
the start. You may ask why? I honestly have no idea. I never felt that I was a
terrible person. I thought I was easy to get along with. I tried to be nice
with no success. I think it's really stupid that most people are rejected
because they are different. When I say different I only mean different
interests, personality, style, etc. That is nothing too drastic, is it? Yet it produces
drastic behavior from people who don't understand. People just never understood
me, and still don't. God created me shouldn't that be enough to prove that I
matter? When I was in school I really was afraid of people's opinions of me,
looking back it probably was the start of me being a "people
pleaser." A people pleaser is some one who does anything just to be on
someone's good side. I wanted to make sure everyone liked me and when someone
didn't, it tore me to pieces. I had this mindset for so long that I brought it
in the church with me. If the preacher said "raise your hands," I
rose my hands. If he said "run," I'd run. If he said anything, I'd do
it. It was never in my heart to do those things, I was just doing it to please
people. Why? Because if I didn't I was afraid people would think that I was going back on God. God did not get any glory out of me doing those
things, because it wasn't from my heart. I've spent the majority of my life not
living my true self. So back to my school days, I was called stupid. A LOT! I
had a difficult time in school because I could not concentrate and fully
comprehend things. I feel like a lot of it had to do with the negative
environment that I was in, because I am smart yet there was a lot of pressure
so it hindered me from applying myself. Anyway, people made fun of the
questions I would ask the teacher when I did not understand something. I hated
when we had to pass our papers to other class mates to grade. Why couldn't the
teacher do it?! If it had to do with math, there would be a lot of times when I
would get either every question wrong or most of them wrong. Then they would
pass my paper around to every one and laugh at how stupid I was. They would
always say to me, "It's not that hard." All of that pressure I was
put under to be a "genius" in their eyes actually made my learning
worse and not better. I've had presentations where we had to be timed. So we
would try to talk at a certain pace in order to stay within the time frame, not
too short and not too long. There was one particular presentation that
embarrassed me so bad. It was my turn to talk and apparently I was talking to
fast and someone in my group came over to me, took my papers out of my hands,
and started over presenting my half of the project. It took everything in me to
hold my tears back because I didn't want to cry in front of everyone. I felt
like I was not capable of anything. Even my own "friends" at the time
said I was stupid! So being told that so much I was devalued. I accepted that
lie and believed that I was stupid. I actually kept up the trend and started
calling myself stupid. They didn't even have to tell me anymore, I did it for
them. I was told that I was ugly and fat. I used to be an over eater because I
was dealing with a lot outside of school. So, yeah, I was a bit over weight. I
was devalued. I was told that no one would love me enough to marry me, just
because I liked cats. Apparently if I like cats it automatically seals my life
into forever being an old cat lady. I only have two it's not like I have 20. I
was devalued. Someone even told me that I have an odd laugh. Really?! I can't
have joy and laugh without one comment being made? I was devalued. I was
falsely accused of talking about people, when I never said one thing about
them. I was devalued. I even had teachers who made fun of what I believed with
the students!! I was devalued. Some of these things happened in school and
outside of school settings. I truly believed that I was worthless, complete
trash. We have no idea how powerful the words that we speak are. One negative
word has the power to bring death to someone. Therefore, one positive word can
bring life to someone. I'm not sharing these things that I faced in the past
for sympathy, it's only to build a foundation for what is important. I don’t
need sympathy, because I have been made whole by Jesus Christ. These
experiences I faced were beneficial for me. I didn’t realize it at the time,
but every word spoken to me that was originally created to destroy me actually
became my stepping stones, by the grace of God. "Jordan, you're so
stupid," (one step up), "You're going to die a lonely cat lady,"
(two steps up), "you're laugh is weird," (three steps up). I think of
this song that says, "I'm coming up, on the rough side, of the
mountain." I didn’t realize that God was taking me higher and higher in
those moments. I've grown to love this verse in Psalm 139 "I will praise
thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works, and that
my soul knoweth right well." Guess what? I HAVE VALUE!!! It's only by the
grace of God that I am smart, I am beautiful, I am loved! If I don't matter to
anyone else that's fine, I matter to my Creator and to me that "is worth
more than many sparrows" (or money, popularity, a husband, etc). I say
this for everyone's benefit, because I know someone can relate to me. We have
value. We matter. Just our very existence is proof of that. God took the time
to create us so that must mean something. If we created something, that product
would be worth something to us. We would cherish it. It's the same with God.
Remember in Genesis when God created everything? What did He say after He made
something? It was good; but what did He say after He created man? "behold
it was very good." We are so loved that God "who for the joy that was
set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame…" (Hebrews 12:2). We
are the joy that was set before Him. We should be reminded that God has a
certain quality about Him called foreknowledge (awareness of something before
it happened or exists). He saw us believing Him, accepting this gospel. He saw
the positive affects that His sacrifice would make. He found joy in doing so.
John 15 says, "greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his
life for his friends. Ye are my friends…" We are his friends that He
willing lay down His life for. We were worth His life. If He had to do it all
over again, He would. God says in Isaiah 43:2, "Since thou wast precious
in my sight, thou hast been honorable, and I have loved thee:" We are
loved. That is truth. God only speaks that truth. We should never believe what
people may say about us. They think they know us but only God truly knows our
hearts. He knows us better than we know ourselves. I've said this before but I
will say it again, we do not find our identity in others we find it in the Word
of God. It is very simple. All we have to do is choose to accept it. That’s the
problem we have. Make the choice to listen to Jesus and what He knows about
rather than what others THINK about us. I look back on my life and I am amazed
to see the change in me. I have never felt more like me than I do now. All it
took was me going quiet and listening to the LORD. Find a quiet place and stay
there a while and let God tell you who you truly are. We should be proud of who
we are and more importantly who created us. He was pleased to breathe life into
us. Isaiah 43:7 says this, "Even every one that is called by my name: for
I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him."
We were made for the glory of God. How beautiful is that? I may be repeating
myself but that is alright it needs to be emphasized. Any negative comment that
is directed towards you is a stepping stone for you to climb higher and higher
above it all. It is meant to shape a certain nature in you. A nature that those
other people will not have. It's what makes us unique. Romans 9 says that
"we are more than conquerors through him that loved us," we are more
than conquerors because Jesus already defeated ALL things at Calvary. We didn't
have to do anything, He did it all and us simply believing every Word of God
and "whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in
him, and he in God" (1 John 4:15) is our victory. We become victorious
through Him, not in ourselves. We have value and we should never, ever, ever,
forget that. If God said it that settles it. Period. Done. I'm sure people will
still put us down at times, but we have one duty that Jesus command when that
happens and it is this, "love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do
good to them that despitefully use you, and persecute you" (Matthew 5:44).
We should never stoop to their level. Pray for them because they are just as
broken as we are and they don't realize it yet. We should also never forget
that Jesus died for them too. We need to stop looking in the mirror and
pointing out "flaws," Jesus does not make anything with
"flaws." We are beautiful and it's time to start realizing that. Did
we ever think that the comments we tend to make like, "I'm so fat, I'm so
ugly today, I'm such an idiot, etc." grieves God? How does it make Him
feel when we are standing in front of the mirror saying these awful things
about His creation. Let's make this more real. Here is an example for those who
have kids, what if you were walking past your child's bathroom and they are
picking themselves apart. They say how ugly their hair is, how they want to
look like a celebrity or the popular girl/boy in school, they don't like their
eyes, they think their nose is too big, etc. How would that make you feel if
your child wasn't happy in their own skin? How much more the Creator of all
things when He hears His child say the same things? Let us not grieve our
Father with this nonsense. God doesn't make junk. Remember Psalm 139, we are
"fearfully and wonderfully made." We have value. We are smart because
God created our brains, so it automatically means your smart. We have value.
Let's learn to only listen to Jesus. When we know who we are in Him and gain
that confidence then all these other comments people will make will just bounce
right off of us. Let us be careful never to say one negative thing about
ourselves. Words are very powerful. When we do something that normally would
lead to us calling ourselves stupid, instead lets say that "I wasn't
thinking" or something of that nature. When we look at ourselves in the
mirror we shouldn’t examine ourselves, just take one look say "thank you
Jesus for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvelous are thy works"
and move on with our lives. Let us start thanking Jesus for what he has given
us. I used to say I couldn’t carry a tune and when I said this to someone I never
heard the end of it. They told me, "I never want to hear you say that you
can't do something, you can. You're singing tomorrow." (I laugh every time
I think about it) I was scared to death but I did it with the help of God. I
still don't think I sound great but I am working on not focusing on that and
just simply, "make a joyful noise unto the LORD" (Psalm 98). It may
not be pretty but it's a joyful noise that I know blesses God. I'm still
learning to accept the fact I'm not singing for people, I sing for God. So if
you don't like it that's not my problem. Anyway, never devalue others or
yourself. Remember that you have value. So lift up your head and carry yourself
like a child of a King, because you are. God Bless You.
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