Who Do You Put Your Faith In?

 I've desired to write about this subject for a while, but I did not know how to approach it. I couldn't find the words. This past week has been eye opening to the thoughts/feelings of others regarding disappointment. I have been disappointed by several people throughout my life. It's depressing. Heartbreaking. It's almost like your world shatters in front of you. In those moments you're not sure what to do, but also who to turn too. I have lived with these emotions for half of my life. I remember a time some years ago when I was going through a dark trial. I was really young and had major attitude problems. My attitude came from being misunderstood, from hurt, and even from not understanding things myself and expressing it with anger. I was a very broken person (still am) and not many people could see that, because I wouldn't let them. So my trial was that people that I loved and at one time respected talked about me, my family, and close friends. Accusing us of things that were not true. Accusing me of things that I never said or did. It was all based on assumption. But all of that assumption caused a two year long trial. Did they care? No. Did I have anyone to talk to about the situation to get it resolved? No. I was being painted as a terrible person behind my back. I felt betrayed. I was ignored. I was rejected. I was bad mouthed. I was judged. I was an outcast. But spiritually it felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest. I (and some others) were made an open show by ministers who believed a lie. Why was this done? I don't know and probably never will. That's fine it doesn’t matter anymore. The point is I was disappointed in people I looked up too, people I respected. You may ask who hurt you this bad? The church! Organized religion broke me. I could have been like most people and turned my back on church never to look back. All of the abuse and heartache isn't worth it. But who do I put my faith in, God or man?

     "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man."
                                                                                                       Psalm 118:8

     Yes, I was treated like a dog. I am human I had the capability to turn away and drown my sorrows in alcohol, to put drugs in my body for temporary relief from being hurt, to walk up and down street corners at night to find some sense of worth. That could have been me…IF it wasn't for God. That would have been me if I put my faith in people rather than God. I read a book one time called "Hungry For More Of Jesus" by David Wilkerson. He said something that has stuck with me to this day because it's the truth. He said, "Hopelessness is the result of trusting in man." It's because of people that are so wrapped up in religion that I did not think a genuine love of God existed. All I ever heard (and was apart of myself, remember I had a bad attitude) was gossip, trash talk about others, judgement from left and right, etc. IT WAS HATEFUL! Where is the love of God that I read about in the Bible? I don't see it. It's no where to be found. You go to church expecting to find it but its worse than the world sometimes. I would cry in my room in agony asking God why was this so? I don't understand. How am I going to be closer to You if there is no one to guide me in your truth? All I see is Pharisees. LORD, I have become a Pharisee myself! This isn't right.

"The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill
the desire of them that fear (def: respect) Him: He also will hear their cry, and He will save them."
                                                                                                                              Psalm 146: 18-19

     I have asked people before, Why don't you believe in God? Their answer is the same every time. "People in the church are hypocrites. They are hateful, judgmental, and selfish. If that's what God is about than I don't want to have anything to do with Him." Let that statement sink in. We as the so called Christians should be ashamed of ourselves. The word Christian means "CHRIST LIKE." Therefore, we are to be like Christ. When we read the Bible do we see Jesus acting like that? Tearing people apart? NO! So why do we? And who are we to do so? "For when a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself" (Galatians 6:3). I think we need a reality check, y'all. We are indeed human as well. That means we fall, we make mistakes just like the people we judge. So who are we? But back to my main point of this subject, you are putting your faith in man when you base God's character off of the actions of people. People are nothing, but God is EVERYTHING. If someone is hurting you, causing you problems, destroying your reputation, etc. take it to God and let Him stand for you. He will take care of the situation. I know because He did it for me. I cried out to God and He answered me. I was in confusion having no where to go, no one to turn to but God brought me out. I was wrong, there is a genuine love of God. God has helped me to understand that there is a difference between genuine Christians and hypocrites. You cannot base God off of people. People will disappoint you. God is above people. We are all learning how to be more like HIM. We all are on this journey working towards being a perfect reflection of the Word, but it’s a process. It takes time to grow. We have to be patient with one another when others act in a way that is not pleasing to God. Maybe they do not fully understand the extent of their actions. Maybe they haven't had a real experience with God yet. We do not know. But we do not live our life based on other people. Let them do whatever, you worry about you. Because guess what, even though you may be the victim you are not perfect either (Matthew 7:3-5). Like me I am FAR from perfect. Everyday I come home and realize I have said things that I probably shouldn't have said. I have to repent constantly. Thank God for grace.

     I want this to be an encouragement to someone. All of this is written out of love. God is faithful and will help you just like he helped me. He brought me out of the situations I faced. He showed me real divine love. He opened my eyes to His Word and things are becoming more and more clear to me. I have been strengthened. I am learning that I matter. I am loved. It's no different with you. But I wonder have you met Him? Have you read the Bible slowly and considered His character without religious organization influence? Have you asked Him for help? Have you put your faith in God or people? Please don't take this and think I am saying that ministers are bad and people in the church are bad. I am not. We need ministers anointed of God to guide us into all truth. And the people of God are the Body of Christ, the true Church. So please do not mistake this for an anti church post. I am anti religion, but I am pro God. I am a Christian. I go to church faithfully, but I go not for a country club membership, not to join a clique, not to make a bunch of noise to feel good. No. I go to be corrected by the Word of God. I go to be made stronger in Spirit. I go to be fed. I go to be closer to my Savior. The true Church of God will project the characteristics of Christ. LOVE. JOY. PEACE. LONG-SUFFERING. GENTLENESS. GOODNESS. FAITH. MEEKNESS. TEMPERANCE. A true Church of God will not be divided but rather united in God's love for HIM and one another. God will not and can not be compared to any man. Don't let people bring you down because God is faithful, my friends. God Bless You and you are in my prayers.

"The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?"
                                                                                                Psalm 118:6


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