Your Mistakes Do Not Define You
" Remember ye not the former
things, neither consider the things of old." -Isaiah 43:18
At least a couple of times a day I think
about the choices I have made in the past. Things I have done and things I have
said. Once I start entertaining these thoughts I begin to be consumed by them.
I feel awful, guilty, condemned. I'm like, "How am I ever going to make it
to my heavenly home with all of the things I have done?" My greatest
desire is be pleasing to God, and when I remember/reminded of my past (could be
as early as yesterday) I am sad because I feel as if I am a disappointment to
Him. It serves no purpose other than to hinder me in my walk with Christ. You
know the Bible says that I am not saved by my works but by the grace of God. "For by grace are ye saved
through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God"
(Ephesians 2:8). It is a gift. If the salvation of God was determined by
good works I would never obtain it. What people do not seem to understand is
that there is no good in us. The only good that we have is what Jesus has
freely given to us through His grace. That's my whole point. We sin every
single day because that is our human nature, but it is because of Jesus that we
can be righteous. Some people will accept this and others will not because they
want to hold on to their own ideas, but it doesn't make it any less true. It's
reality you can't sugar coat it (I say this in love). So, how can we move past
The only way we can forget the past and
not allow it to be a hindrance any more is if we stop reasoning within
ourselves and just accept the gift of God. That’s it. There is no step by step
instruction on how to receive forgiveness as some others may tell you. If you
and I have repented of our mistakes already then it's like they never even
happened. Let me prove it to you. In Hebrews 8:12 it says, " For I will be merciful to their
unrighteousness, and their sins and their sins and iniquities will I remember
no more." There are several
scriptures that say how God forgives and remembers our mistakes no more, or
blots them out completely. Again in Isaiah 44: 22, " I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy
transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins; return unto me; for I have redeemed
thee." If we believe in
Jesus as our Savior then we should believe His Word. We have been redeemed!
This is all the proof we need, He said it so we should accept it and move on. I
heard this illustration one time from a minister. He was explaining how the
devil is the accuser (Revelation
12:10). He is the one to throw our past in our face, reminding us of all
the bad we have done. Then he goes to God and says, "look what they have
done. They have sinned against you. They lied, cheated, cursed, etc." And
God will say, " Where is your proof?" and the devil as slick as he is
has a long sheet written containing our every fault of ours and hands it to
God, but what the devil doesn’t realize is that there is a fountain of blood
that those accusations have to go through when he hands the sheet over. Once it
passes through that blood God will look at that sheet of condemnation and see
that it is blank. Again this illustration is from a minister so this is not my
own. Whose blood does it go through? Jesus Christ. We have to remember that God
doesn’t see us, He sees the blood of Jesus that was shed on Calvary. So when we
repent He can look at the cross and remember that Jesus said "Father
forgive them." Here is another scripture that cannot be argued, Colossians 2: 14-15:
" Blotting out the handwriting
of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of
the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers,
he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it."
So where are your accusers? Jesus defeated
them at Calvary. Where is the charges against you? Jesus nailed them to His
cross and paid the debt that we could not pay. Let us NEVER make the death of
Jesus Christ be done in vain. We should accept what He did and believe we are
in fact forgiven of ALL of our sins. Now this is not an invitation to live
however we want. I know and have heard people explain to me that it doesn't
make a difference what I do, God looks at the heart. Yes, He looks at the heart
and He can see that those people are not genuine in their love for Christ. His
sacrifice is being taken in vain with an attitude like that. When people do
things knowing that it is wrong but have that attitude that it doesn’t matter
because God is merciful then this is what happens, "… they crucify the Son of God afresh, and put Him
to an open shame" (Hebrews 6:6). Another minister one time
illustrated that every time we sin it is equivalent to punching God in the
face. I do not say this to be mean or harsh I just live in reality and this is
the life we tend to live if we are not careful. I will not tell you that I have
not been guilty of this because I'm sure I have. I'm not perfect, no one is.
The difference is that I have had a genuine experience with God and He is
changing me more and more everyday to be like Him and not like this world. I do
not want to be guilty of crucifying Him afresh everyday. Yes, God is merciful
but He is also just. If He wasn't just He wouldn’t be God, we would have no
respect for Him. He is not a push over. That is why it's good to stay in the
attitude of repentance. Repenting can be hard and emotional but it humbles us.
More than that it blots out all of our sins. Blotting out means that something
is completely destroyed, annihilated. Your mistakes will never define you.
God's grace does. Let us not be guilty of condemning ourselves when God is the
one to justify us. We are free from sin so let us move on and "…forgetting those things which
are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press
toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus"
(Philippians 3:13-14). God Bless You! BE FREE TODAY!
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