Break Free From Your Burden
" Stand fast therefore in the
liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the
yoke of bondage." (Galatians 5:1)
Freedom from anything can only come
through Christ. Now I'm not saying people cannot help us with our issues
because they can but it's God working through them whether they know it or not.
Christ is the Great Deliverer, so there is no one more qualified than Him. How
is God our Deliverer? He delivered us from sin (which had us bound). Think of
it this way, when we lived in sin we technically were puppets for the devil
(the puppet master). The devil likes to deceive, put on a show, and play games.
We were his pawns. We were prisoners. Christ came to set us free. Just like He
is the Mighty Conqueror. He is the greatest warrior that ever lived and he
never picked up a sword. Why? Because He conquered sin when He died on the
cross saying, "It is
finished" (John 19:30). Meaning my work here is done, it's been
taken care of. He conquered death when He raised to life again, "no man taketh it (My life)
from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down and to take
it again" (John 10:18). He conquered sickness by the beating He
took "By His stripes we
were healed" (1 Peter 2:24). He did all of that for you. He
defeated EVERYTHING for you. It doesn’t mean that we won't struggle, it just
means that it has already been defeated over 2,000 years ago. So now we can
walk away from it never to look back again.
"These things I have spoken
unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world
Ye shall have tribulation: but be of
good cheer; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33)
A dear sister in Christ told me about what
God was doing in her families life. She had two family members who were not
saved and needed healing on top of it. She testified that both gave theirs
lives to Christ and He gave them healing. She also told me about her own
healing. She had suffered for months with sharp pains in her head that only
grew worse. She prayed one time and from then on she started to thank the LORD
for her healing. It's not that the pain went away immediately but it grew even
more worse. You know what she did? Instead of going into despair and saying
"why has God not answered me?" She told the devil that he was a liar
and said she knows she has been healed because she had already asked God for
it. She continued to thank the LORD for her healing and as the days went on the
pain got better until one day it was gone completely. That's all it takes.
Praising God in the meantime. As I was listening to her talk I remembered my
own struggle with something that has haunted me for years. And I thought,
"well if she can do that for healing then I can do that for
deliverance." So I want to encourage you to take time to open up to God
about your struggle. Repent of it and ask God to be delivered from it for good.
Never be ashamed to go to God, because he already knew your struggle before you
were born yet He still died for you. In the meantime be like my sister in
Christ who was not discouraged when things didn't happen right away (remember
the devil likes to test us) but she believed in the promises of God and praised
Him until it was vanquished forever. She is a human like we are so God will do
the exact same for you and me. Don't let the title of this post fool you. We
cannot break free from our burdens, but all we have to do is simply walk away
from it and leave it at the feet of Jesus. Why do we make things so
complicated? I will never understand. Just know that if you are struggling with
something today that God died so that you can be free from it. Believe in Him.
Trust in Him and He will do the rest. God Bless You!
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