Just Laugh

     I often get frustrated with small things that happen throughout the day. Stupid things like I keep dropping things, I keep forgetting things, or things just are not going the way that I would like them too. I have to operate graphic machines everyday and there are times like last week into this week where it seems that none of the machines are working properly. Instead they want to break all at the same time or damage our products. It becomes one of those situations where I have to make an important decision to either laugh it off or let it get to me and ruin my entire day. If I allowed it to ruin my day then it will ruin everyone's day that are around me. I definitely would not be a pleasure to be around. I have to admit that some days are harder than others and I end up on the verge of tears because I become so frustrated. I cannot do it alone though. I need God to give me the strength and wisdom every single day to not give in to every aggravation that happens, because it WILL happen. That's life but praise be to God that He is willing to help us through our days.

"…for the joy of the LORD is your strength."
                                                         Nehemiah 8:10
     I have learned that many things that happen such as me dropping everything could more than likely be a test for me. God is using everything great and small to build character in us. So I wonder if these small things that go wrong throughout the day are God's way of teaching me patience? Teaching me to laugh over the small things and remember that no matter what goes wrong I am still blessed. These frustrations that we go through don't take away our salvation. They don't strip us of our identity. It's so small compared to all that things that we should praise God over every single day. You are alive and healthy so who cares if you have dropped your car keys 10 times. Has it changed anything? No.

"This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."
                                                                                                                            Lamentations 3:21-23

     I will repeat this over and over again because I also need to remember that we have a choice, but sometimes it's hard not allowing things to get under your skin. It's hard to take a moment to breathe and to stay calm when there is chaos around you. As I said before only God can help us with such a task. Anything is possible with Him, but it seems we still have to make a choice to stop and say a prayer asking God for help. I have believe that God will help us to laugh it all off rather than allow us to be angry over stupid things. When I look back on how I may have reacted to a day I had when nothing went right I think to myself, "I just wasted my breathe on that." I try to do better every single day by the grace of God. It's not easy but I do have brighter days because God turns it around. So I encourage all of you to smile often and laugh when things go a little haywire. You will find that your world is NOT falling apart and that you can still have a good day in the midst of chaos. God Bless You!


  1. The devil is just trying to get you to “lose it.” I just laugh at him and tell him it’s not going to work today.

    1. All day, every day. At least it's not for nothing. I'm thankful God uses every frustration to mould us.


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