The Arena That Produces The Overcomer

      Many people may not think praying is that big of a deal. It's nothing to be taken seriously. I myself have thought the same thing in my youth. I have learned that I was wrong. I'm the type of person that can admit it when they are wrong. Each one of us have different challenges in life but when it comes to praying I have found that we all have a few things in common. I asked a few people what are the challenges they face when praying? They all said they struggle to stay focused. Too many distractions are around. The phone starts ringing, others in the house are being extra loud, your mind wonders off trying to check your "mental to-do list," the kids need you every five seconds, or you can't find the words to even speak. There's so many things that can easily take our focus off of God. Another common difficulty is letting our flesh get in the way. We are too tired to pray, we become too busy for God, or we are too lazy to go through the long list of requests that need to be made known unto God. I am guilty of all of these things. One the greatest things I struggle with is getting myself into a quiet place and praying. In my mind it doesn't make any sense because I love to talk. I never shut up! But when I come before God I have nothing to say. My mind is blank. And if it's not that then there are distractions coming from left and right. My phone rings, my mind starts replaying the events/conversations of the day, I sit down and then remember something that I have to do so I get back up, or I wait until it's too late in the evening and by the time I try to pray I can barely keep my eyes open (I do this too often). After all of the distractions I become frustrated. I just say forget it, "LORD, You know what I need. Amen." It seems impossible to sit still and go quiet before God. Have you ever wondered why praying seems to be such a difficult task? The answer is simple but also irritating, it's nothing but the devil. Of course he is going to do everything in his power to keep us from talking to our Creator. Why does he care? Prayer is one of the weapons we have to overcome and the devil doesn't like that.

"The prayer closet is the arena that produces the overcomer."
                                 - From the book, Destined For The Throne

   So I asked another question to the same people, "How does prayer benefit/help you?" One person said that once they pray they know at that very moment that God is working to take care of the need. They used this example, it's just like when you go to the doctor and tell him/her what's wrong and they tell you they can help. Then you feel relieved and you don't have to worry anymore. So it brings them peace. They can lay their head down at night knowing that God will make a way in their situation. Someone else said that it gives them strength. Prayer is a communion (conversation) with God, so they feel closer to Him. They also said that they gain confidence as a daughter of God. And this one is one of my favorites, it's through prayer that God reveals Himself to us through His Word. The way that prayer helps me is I feel closer to God. Many times when I become too busy to talk to Him I feel like we are distant, I feel like I am neglecting Him in  a way. I notice my attitude changes. I am no longer loving or kind but I am angry over stupid things. I feel more lonely and sad than usual. That's my Father, my Savior, my Creator so why am I not MAKING time for Him. In my mind I think all of these other things are more important and need to get done ASAP. LORD, You can wait. I never actually say that in my mind but my actions do. It's never easy to admit but it's still the truth. Another benefit when I pray is that I feel more sensitive to His Holy Spirit leading me. I don't worry I just let God have control and live my life. When I don't pray over things I feel lost and confused. So there are many different benefits that fellowship with God has. I encourage you to take time to consider how it benefits you.

     As the quote above, praying produces the overcomer. "…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" (James 5:16). This is how powerful one word of prayer is. If we continue to read the next two verses it talks about the prophet Elijah. He prayed sincerely in his heart that it would not rain on the earth, and it did not rain for three years. Elijah prayed again and then it rained. That amazes me! Elijah made one simple word of prayer and God answered. If Elijah can stop the rain for three years just from talking with God how much more you when you pray the salvation of a loved one? When you pray for healing? When you pray for deliverance? Mark 11:24 says, "Therefore, I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Many people including myself become very discouraged when our prayers are not answered right away. We have to understand that God's ways are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9) and due to His foreknowledge His timing is perfect. When are we going to learn that we are only humans. We are flawed, finite, just flesh. We do not know everything like we think we do. Yes, I think things should be done my way and on my time clock but if that was the case everything would be messed up. I would be an emotional wreck because there have been many times when I think I am ready for something and it turns out that I am not. God knows best, He knows us better than we know ourselves (He is the one that created us). A minister friend of mine once told me that, "your prayer could be answered when you are gone." That is very true. We don't know when or how our prayers will be answered, but they will. So why should we be discouraged when we know that God heard us. He is faithful. You don't think He hears you? That thought is from the devil (your enemy). It's not true because God said in Jeremiah 29:12, "Then ye shall call upon me and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I WILL HEARKEN (LISTEN) UNTO YOU." You cannot argue with the Word of God. It says it so believe it. He hears us when we pray. Therefore, He will answer "call unto me, and I will answer thee…" (Jeremiah 33:3).  We should know by now that things NEVER work out the way we think it should. Our prayers are no different. Remember God works in simplicity not within our own ideas.

     The devil does not want us praying to our Father. Why? Because when we pray it weakens the devil's tactics against us. So of course he is going to put thoughts in our minds saying, "He isn't going to listen to you. Look what you have done in your life, do you think you deserve it?" Of course we do not deserve it be like I said in my last post ( we have been saved by grace. It's through God's love and grace that He hears our prayer. Remind the devil that Jesus Christ ripped the veil in the temple in two (Matthew 27:51) telling us that we no longer have to go through priests; but we can now come before God personally through the blood of Christ that was shed on the cross. Never take the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in vain. Accept what He did for you. "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need" (Hebrews 4:16). And we do not need to wear ourselves down to the point of grief trying to "break through." We do not need to break through anything. We forget that God understands when we are struggling, just ask and He will help. God knows when we are tired. And He most certainly knows when the devil tries to distract us. Now I cannot fix your problems, because I struggle with the same thing but I can offer some encouragement only based on what the Word says.

"Likewise, the Spirit (Jesus) also helpeth our infirmities (weaknesses): for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that ALL things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:26-28)

     My Brothers and Sisters, what more could be said? Please do not wear yourself out when you go to pray and you are having a hard time. God knows and He is faithful. Just confess to Him your struggles and He will help. Just begin to talk and the words will flow, but don't forget to thank Him first. Prayer is a struggle at times, but it's only because the devil does not want you to reap the benefits of fellowshipping with God. He doesn't want you to overcome everything he tried to use to destroy you or pull you down. We need to learn to make time for God and not put Him at the bottom of the list. Something that I started to do that helps me is constantly thank Him throughout the day ( 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).  That way I am talking to Him more and He stays on my mind. It's been said that prayer is the most important conversation of the day and that it is. All we have to do is ask and God will make a way. Then we can just let it go and move on knowing that it is being taken care of. Another final thought, it's the praising in the prayer that really strengthens you. God Bless You and do your best to focus on the positive.


  1. Great post! I often find it hard to pray because I don't make time to do so. Something I started doing a long time ago, was pray little prayers whenever I can throughout the day. I often pray as I am driving into work, in the elevator, in the shower, walking into the store or into work. God doesn't expect us to always have our eyes shut, knees to the floor, etc. for us to pray to Him. He meets us wherever we are. I often give him Praises throughout the day. Even if it is to say " thank you, God for getting me home safely, thank you, for helping me with that meeting," etc. God loves to hear our praises as much as our prayers. Talking to God gives me such peace and strength to get through life. We are hit with so much negativity all the time but I know when I talk to God, I can fine peace, love and hope even if I don't know all the words to say at times. God knows and He will always be waiting to hear from me. From all of us.


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